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ATA A. - İngilizce - Yabancı Hoca Genel Konuşma / Sınav Eğitimi

IELTS-TOEFL-SAT-ITEP ve Genel İngilizce Dersleri

Bursa / Nilüfer

6 Yıllık Tecrübe

Verdiği Dersler: YÖKDİL,İtep +4 ders
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi / Eğitim Fakültesi / İngilizce Öğretmenliği - Mezun

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Öğretmene gelen son yorum

Iyi bi hoca

Öğretmen Hakkında

Öğretmenin Sunduğu İmkanlar

1. Tailored Learning Experience: Each learner has unique goals and learning styles. I personalize my teaching approach to cater to individual needs, whether it's improving conversational skills, mastering grammar, enhancing vocabulary, or excelling in exams like TOEFL or IELTS.


2. Flexible Learning Environment: I offer both online and in-person sessions, providing flexibility to accommodate diverse schedules and preferences. Whether it's through virtual classrooms, video calls, or face-to-face interactions, I strive to create an engaging and productive learning environment.


3. Comprehensive Curriculum: My teaching encompasses a holistic approach that covers all aspects of language acquisition. From foundational grammar to advanced comprehension, I ensure a well-rounded curriculum that fosters overall linguistic development.


4. Cultural Immersion: Language is deeply connected to culture. Through immersive techniques, I introduce students to the richness of English-speaking cultures, incorporating literature, movies, and discussions that broaden their understanding beyond language proficiency.


5. Progressive Feedback and Assessments: I believe in continuous improvement. Regular assessments and constructive feedback are integral parts of my teaching methodology. This helps students track their progress and focus on areas that need improvement.


6. Specialized Workshops and Resources: Supplementing regular sessions, I conduct specialized workshops and provide additional resources to address specific areas of difficulty or interest. These could include pronunciation workshops, writing clinics, or thematic discussions to expand vocabulary.


7. Support Beyond Sessions: Learning doesn't stop after classes. I offer continued support through resources, recommended readings, and exercises, encouraging students to practice independently and reinforcing their learning outside our sessions.

Neden Özel Ders Veriyorum

As an English educator offering private classes, my approach is centered on personalized attention and tailored learning experiences. Each private session is meticulously crafted to cater to individual goals, be it refining conversational fluency, excelling in academic writing, or mastering business English. Through this one-on-one approach, I provide undivided attention, allowing me to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses while adapting the curriculum to suit unique learning styles and pace. Flexibility is key; I design schedules that align with the student's availability, ensuring a consistent and effective learning journey. The intimate setting fosters confidence, encouraging students to express themselves freely without hesitation. Immediate and targeted feedback accelerates progress, helping students build not only language proficiency but also confidence and critical communication skills essential for real-life situations. Private classes not only facilitate linguistic growth but also offer a holistic educational experience, empowering students for success beyond language acquisition.


I have been an English Teacher for more than 6 years at various language institutions. What is something I pay attention to during my lessons are pronunciation and communication skills. We are all aware that our accent and pronouncing words properly play a huge role in terms of fluency and accuracy.

Size Neler Kazandırabilirim

My primary goal for my private students is to witness their transformation in English proficiency by the course's conclusion. By tailoring the curriculum to their individual goals, whether it's fluency in conversation, academic excellence, or professional communication, I aim to see a marked improvement in their linguistic abilities. At the end of our sessions, I strive for my students to confidently express themselves in English, whether orally or in writing, across various contexts. I gauge success not only by their language skills but also by the boost in confidence and comfort they exhibit when communicating. Witnessing them navigate real-life situations with ease, armed with improved language tools, is immensely rewarding. Beyond language proficiency, I aim for my students to possess a deeper appreciation for English-speaking cultures, fostering a holistic understanding that goes beyond grammar and vocabulary. Ultimately, my measure of success is when my students feel empowered to navigate the English language landscape effortlessly and with newfound confidence.

Hakkımda Bilmeniz Gerekenler

As an English teacher, I prioritize creating a personalized and engaging learning environment for my students. I bring not just a passion for the language but also a dedication to understanding each student's unique learning style and goals. My teaching style revolves around adaptability; I tailor lessons to cater to individual strengths and challenges, ensuring a customized approach that fosters rapid progress. Patience, empathy, and a deep commitment to student success are at the core of my teaching philosophy. I aim to create a safe space where questions are encouraged, mistakes are viewed as stepping stones to learning, and where my students feel comfortable and motivated to excel. Beyond language instruction, I integrate cultural insights, fostering a comprehensive understanding of English in its broader context. My students should know that I am not just their teacher, but also their advocate in their journey toward English proficiency, always dedicated to their growth and success.

Dersleri Nasıl İşlerim

My private classes are meticulously structured to maximize learning in a personalized setting. I begin by understanding my student's goals, learning preferences, and areas of improvement. This initial assessment helps me tailor a curriculum that suits their individual needs, ensuring every session is focused and effective. Each class follows a dynamic yet organized flow, starting with a recap of previous lessons, allowing for continuous progression. I employ various interactive techniques, including discussions, role-plays, multimedia resources, and targeted exercises, to keep the sessions engaging and varied. Grammar and vocabulary are integrated seamlessly into real-life contexts, fostering practical language application. Regular assessments and feedback loops allow for continuous improvement, ensuring that my students grasp concepts before moving forward. I encourage active participation, welcoming questions and discussions to reinforce learning. By the end of each session, my students gain not only a deeper understanding of English but also the confidence to apply their newfound skills in everyday situations.

Özel Ders Almak İsteyenlere Tavsiyeler

When embarking on private English classes, I always advise setting clear, achievable goals to guide our learning journey. Understanding your preferred learning style helps me tailor sessions to match how you learn best, whether it's through visuals, auditory aids, or hands-on practice. I encourage consistent practice outside of our sessions, recommending various resources like reading materials or online exercises to reinforce learning. Active participation during our classes is key; I welcome questions and feedback to ensure our time together is maximally beneficial. Embracing challenges and being patient with the learning process is crucial, and I emphasize setting realistic expectations while celebrating progress made. I often suggest utilizing additional resources beyond our classes and encourage periodic reviews to track advancements. Above all, I encourage my students to find joy in the language-learning experience and embrace the cultural aspects intertwined with mastering English.

Verdiği Dersler ve Saat Ücretleri

İtep - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺
YÖKDİL - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺
İngilizce - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺
IELTS - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺
TOEFL - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺
YDS - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺
SAT - Yabancı Dil : 60 dk - 700.00₺ | Online Ücret: 700.00₺

Ders Verdiği Konumlar

  • Nilüfer
  • Osmangazi
  • Kestel

Değerlendirmeler (6)


Öğretmen Değerlendirme


Iyi bi hoca



The best accent you could ever hear from a non- native English speaker. He has the utmost competency in English language and he is very skilled in implementing different lesson plans and teaching methods in his classes.



Me as an English teacher as well Ata had a significant impact on my career and my life in general. He is not only an English teacher, he also guided me through my lesson plans step by step.


Serra P.

The constructive feedback provided by Ata has been instrumental in my academic growth. He takes the time to thoroughly review assignments, offering insightful comments that not only correct mistakes but also encourage critical thinking and creativity. This approach has empowered me to become a more self-aware and proficient English learner.


Şevval V.

Bir öğretmenden daha fazlası. Öğretim şekli ve aksanı mükemmel !! Ondan daha fazla bilgi edineceğime eminim.


G B.

He speaks like a native, also he has a lot of experiences in teaching different levels. He is friendly and respectful to his students. He uses interesting methods to teach difficult grammar and your pronunciation will improve with his techniques.

ATA Öğretmen Hakkındaki Görüşlerinizi Yazın

Ders İçin Uygun Olduğu Zamanlar

  • 8:00 - 9:00
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